Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Woot Celestia is almost Here HURRAY!

I guess we all know what this resent picture means, YEAH MAN Celestia is closer to be here every day. Now KI made us go crazy with this new Picture now we do know they will be some sort of crabs as stated on the first released picture, this one just confirms it, Well it can or could be the biggest update the game has had since the released of Dragonspyre. Many people I know including myself are really exited of this new update and am guessing everyone will be impatient until the new world gets released into the Test Realm I know I am. What is really bugging me is the new HATCHERY we will be having soon am thinking we gonna have to make our own pets but how is the question that still bugs me well we will know it in its time well thats everything I know off I really hope that world gets here soon lol we need new material in which to get new and fresh ideas for the blog post cause seriously the old stuff is getting old XD well until next time...

Happy Gaming

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